September 01, 2024 #512


Dear Diary,

Hi September 

I have realized that I am feeling numb for months and months. 

I don’t feel joy. I forgot what I like to do. Just sleep while playing podcasts. That podcasts…I used to like them a lot but now o am really not sure. I used to like to visit a cheap cafe and stay there for hours and having me time with my notebooks. But this Saturday I didn’t really like it. 

It’s very frustrating to do something for joy but didn’t get the results especially when I am lucking energy but I somehow managed for doing something. 

I was opening my notebook at the cafe yesterday and wrote how I wish I was in my bed not in a cafe, no energy to create something or no inspiration then I wrote same things every weekend. 

I felt sad. 

But today I came up idea. 

I will make list of things brought me joy. Every tiny things. Like random Instagram posts of cute animal. I will do that every day. I think it will help me. It’s easier than coming up idea for things I might enjoy then actually doing it to find my joy. 

And it’s like gratitude journal. It must be good for me :)

A bit happy now :D

Let’s go 
