August 16, 2024


1st Streak

Hi Future Josh,

This is the 3 day of these entries, even though this is 4th day since I started. I'm kind of proud that I'm doing 2 days in a row now. 3 days will be nice. Did I do that? Is this the streak that led to your first 100 days streak?

Out of the 3 tasks I wrote about yesterday, I completed 2:

  • I completed 2 papers and started the 3rd but I didn't send them, I think that was a win.
  • I spent 5 hours working, not 7. That's wonderful. Maybe 7 was too much because I didn't have that much time, I started working around 1pm yesterday. I need to consider time and other factors before setting tasks.
  • I completely avoided lusts yesterday; I almost fell at one time, but no. That is also a win.

So, ya, 66.7% success. That's a B. Not bad, is it?

What am I doing today? By the end of today:

  • I spent 5 hours working
  • I sent out 3 papers to Salem
  • I finished editing Rose's research paper and sent it to her.
  • I won against lust.

Anything below B will be bad.

The lust thing might be hard because I'm visiting a friend later, a friend who I've not seen in a long time and who has feelings for me. I've avoided seeing her for a while because of this, but I'm not sure now. I think my goal here should be to just avoid spending the night in her house, and leaving there before its 8:30pm.

Alright. I need to spend less than 30 minutes on these letters; I have 10 more minutes.

See you tomorrow.

#writing#motivational#self improvement #habits #personal development #success #dear diary #diary #diaryentry #journal entry #digital diary #mydiary #would-be-success