August 15, 2024 - Late, but who is surprised?


Not me.

Hi Future Josh,

I didn't post yesterday and even today I'm late.

How did this even happen? What exactly is wrong with me?

and why does it take too long to just write my own thoughts? Why am I overthinking this exactly? This blog is supposed to be the easiest thing in my life: for one, no one is watching, also I don't have to think of grammar, structure or even what to write.

What is wrong with me exactly? This is getting out of hand. How did you turn this around Josh? How? What did I do differently? When?

Anyway, I decided that this posts will include a list of things that I want to do today. But I've been told of the power of writing your plans in the past tense, so here it goes:

  • Today I completed and sent out 2 short essays to Selam
  • Today I spent at least 7 hours working
  • Today I completely avoided and stayed away from lust

Did I actually do these things?

Anyway, thank you Future Successful Josh; thanks for giving me hope. The fact that you exist is why I even do this.

See you tomorrow. I hope.

#overthinking #writing struggles #daily plans #self reflection #writing #late but not defeated