August 13, 2024 - Day One


Hi Future Joshua,

I seriously don't know what to say. To think that you're reading this when you have about 500 consecutive days of writing in this journal. How did you get there exactly? Because I seriously don't know what to say now.

I mean, I started typing at least 25 minutes ago, and this is where I still am. This will be difficult, won't it?

Did the structure of this blog work out well for us? Because I'm still conflicted. For one, should I make this public? My entire life will be here; do I want people seeing all that?

By the way, did you get famous? We have always loved to stay under the shadows, and just let our works be famous. Do you still like that?

Anyway, I have to go. I have some research to do for Selam today. I've disappointed him so much that I feel so sorry for him. Yet he is my biggest and best client. I feel like I'll continue to screw up until I sabotage this too. I hope I can submit 3 short essays for him by the end of the day. Did I succeed in that?

It's 11:21 now and I have to be in church by 5pm. I'm almost convinced I won't even finish 1 of the essays. I hope the fear of failure doesn't paralyze me. Again. I'm here wondering how you learnt to deal with that.

Anyway, see you tomorrow.

Okay. I'm done now and it's 11:33. I look forward to writing to you again tomorrow, I hope I write by 7am as planned. I'm just a total mess, Josh.

You got past this stage, I'm waiting for your paper back by the end of the week. See you.
