

This is going to be a long one. You can choose to believe it or not to believe it. I know it's hard to accept the truth that's right in front of your face and thus right in front of your eyes. I've been there. 

Do what matters and stop doing what doesn't matter, do what's right and stop doing what's wrong. Do the right thing and stop doing the wrong thing. Stop doing what doesn't need to be done and start doing what does need to be done. Do what you know can push you ahead in your life, and stop doing what you know can only keep you on the exact same place for the rest of your life. Make a choice, decide, act upon it. Choose correctly, 

decide correctly, act correctly. Don't be a fool and choose incorrectly, decide incorrectly, and act incorrectly. Be smart, and choose, decide, and act upon what you know is best for you. It's how THEY get you. They get you with comfort. They know that you don't ever want to get uncomfortable and that's why they provide you with all kinds of things that make you feel comfortable. Because you see, the more comfortable you are with these things that do not matter, the less 

uncomfortable you are with things that do matter. So, instead of doing what's right, THEY want you to do what's wrong. It's how they get you. It's how they can destroy your hopes, your potential, and your dreams. Truth is, you are just as special as I am. We both are. We all are. We all have something to offer. And they are afraid of what you can offer, and that's why they don't ever want to see you succeed. Because they are 

afraid of the IDEAS that can come out of your mind. That's why you are allowed to watch what you are allowed to watch, because THEY need you to occupy your mind with things that DO NOT MATTER, so that you do not occupy your mind with things that DO MATTER. It's that simple. That's also the reason why 'like' was created. Allow me to explain. The more people 'like' something, the more other people want to watch it, the 

more people 'dislike' something, the less other people want to watch it. And so, when something is immensely liked by people, you want to watch it as well, and when something is immensely disliked by people, you don't want to watch it as well. Here's what you need to understand. It's all fake. The number. Every number is fake. No number is real. So what you actually do is like something

 THEY want you to like, so that other people who follow you LIKE IT as well. It is of use. If it wasn't, it wouldn't be as liked as it is. Truth is hidden in plain sight. And that's how THEY do it. They give you what you want, and you give them what they want. You don't even know what you give them. You give them exactly what they need. You give them the entire story of your life. Your energy signature which is either human or angelic. They 

want to know what kind of energy signature you have. This energy signature can be seen in your photograph, because when the photograph was taken, the time stood still and captured your energy signature. So why is this important? Because you can as well be what THEY are actually after. So yes, everything that exists exists with one sole purpose, to seek for the people who are more special than other people are. And you fall for this

 trap, because you are wired for it. You think it's cool and you think it's amazing, and so you fall for it. Truth is, you don't ever want to admit that you are wrong, and that thus somebody else is right, and so instead of admitting your wrong, you keep insisting on your right. And that is exactly why you are doing what you are doing, things you shouldn't be doing. Because you don't know the real purpose behind these things. You see the illusion 

THEY provide you with, and you don't see REALITY that is hidden behind it. When you ALLOW, you allow THEM to enter into your life. Every secret message to your lover or your mistress, every dirty secret that you have, every like and every dislike, EVERYTHING. But you don't really care about it, do you? You probably stand in line when new smartphone with improved camera hits the shelves. THEY want you to stand in line, because

 they know how idiotic you actually are. You fall for every trick THEY have in the book. You don't even know that Yellowstone can erupt in the next six months and end all of our lives forever. Do you live with this? You don't. Instead of living a life, you exist on social media which is only used to collect everything it can off of you. 

THAT is what THEY want of you. To waste your life on irrelevant things which are of their own creation, so they can learn everything-EVERYTHING about you, and see how special you truly ARE.   

And do you want to know how they hide the truth in plain sight? They use pleasantness. 
