Few bucks to my name


Life is all about learning, my friend. For, the more you learn about life, the more you know about life, the less you learn about life, the less you know about life. You can't win the game of life if you know nothing about life, you can win the game of life only and solely if you know Everything about life. Many of you believe that life is unfair and that life is hard. But is that true? Well life can sometimes be unfair to some people, and life can also be hard for some people. Truth is, not all of us were or are born rich. Some of us were or are born poor. While rich get ahead due to nepotism, poor people have to try extra hard to get ahead, and sometimes not even extra hard work is enough for a poor man to succeed in life, to win the game of life. But that doesn't mean it's impossible for a poor man to win the game of life. Anyone can do it. And by that I mean all of you can do it. But in order to win it, you have to learn all the rules. And it's these rules that move you closer and closer to victory. There is no cheat sheet. There are only rules you need to follow. There is no way around these rules. And that is why truly rare are those who win in the end, because not all the people know or respect the rules and thus keep searching for any kind of shortcut. There is no shortcut. Sure, nepotism can bring you success, but without knowledge that is required to keep success, even those select few cannot keep it for a longer period of time and can thus keep it only for a short period of time. A man who doesn't know how to fail does not deserve to be successful for a lifetime. A man who does know, deserves to be successful for a lifetime. So you see, you can do it too. That is why learning is as important as it is. Every day you need to create your very own class and all of the subjects, and then you need to learn, learn, and learn. Because the more you'll learn, the bigger will be a chance for you to win the game of life. That is all it takes. Only what is relevant can get you very far in life. That is why all irrelevant distractions exist, to prevent you from getting anywhere special in life. That is their purpose that is hidden behind entertainment. You of course don't see it like that. Well, every successful man sees it like that. We know the reason why, you don't know the reason why. And that is why you don't learn anything, while we keep learning and learning more and more. If you don't know how, you can't ever be successful. If you don't want to, you don't deserve to be successful. It doesn't matter how poor you are, you can always win the game of life. I had few bucks to my name. 
