Let's do the math


Let us do the Math here. If you study 1 hour a day that's 30 hours a month of studying. If you study 2 hours a day that's sixty hours a month of studying. If you study 3 hours a day that's ninety hours a month of studying. If you study 4 hours a day that's one twenty hours a month of studying. Is that so hard to understand? So why don't you do it? Why don't you study 1 hour a day, why don't you study 2 hours a day, why don't you study 3 hours a day, and why don't you study 4 hours a day? If you do nothing with the time you have avaliable, you get nothing out of time you have available, if you do something with the time you have available, you get something out of time you have available. Because you see, the truth is, if you really want to succeed in life, sacrifices need to be made. There is no success without sacrifice. And by sacrifice what I mean is that you need to turn off your precious television set and erase all the stupidity off

 your phone that does nothing else but waste your time. You're probably too young to understand this, but learning is what gets you somewhere in life. Binge watching gets you nowhere in life. In order to succeed you need to get very uncomfortable. And that means that you have to throw away everything that makes you feel comfortable. Not an easy thing to do, is it? Of course it isn't. But it needs to be done. You have to let go of irrelevant and replace it with what's actually relevant. If you want your ass out, you need to go ALL IN! If you don't go ALL IN, you'll always be stuck. That's the main purpose of television shows, to

 have you stuck, where you don't need to be stuck. And that's why you don't ever progress through life. Because you waste hours and hours on comfortable, and don't waste hours and hours on uncomfortable. Prove me wrong, I dare you. See, one hour a day can completely change your life in six months, if you are consistent long enough. So why don't you do it? The guy or the girl in the mirror wants you to do it, so why don't YOU do it? The guy or the girl in the mirror knows what needs to be done, so why don't YOU know what needs to be done? It's such a shame. You have 

enormous potential. Your potential is endless, your potential is limitless. And yet you waste it on stupidities that can be found on tv or any kind of platform. Do you even know why you do that? Can you answer it honestly? Of course you can't, because your mind is wired in such a way that you can't. No, in such a way that you don't really want to. Cobra Kai, Stranger Things, and Game of Thrones. Are these three worthy more than your life? Are these three tv shows worthy more than you endless and limitless potential? Imagine this. On the left there's your biggest dream, and on the right there's Kobra Kai. If you choose the left side, you also choose to let go of Kobra Kai forever, if you choose the right side, you choose to let go of your biggest dream forever. What do you choose. What do you want to choose? The left or the right. See your heart wants you to choose the left, and wants you to throw away the right, because your heart knows what is best for you. And that is what it tells you every single day you look at yourself in the mirror and look away immediately afterwards, because you can't really look at yourself in your eyes. Every day you have a choice. To choose either the left side or the right side. You keep choosing the right side over the left, and that's why your life is the way that it is. Because you don't really know which side is best side to choose. I chose left. And this is what I said to a young man in the audience who was wearing a Cobra Kai t-shirt. You know, the thing about me is that I don't care. I always say it like it is. I don't sugar-coat anything. And that's why I have respect of many powerful people. Because I know what it takes to succeed in life. That young man doesn't know what it takes yet, because he is stuck. He thinks it's okay to waste time. It's not.   
