Today is July 31, 2024


The whole world's a stage, my friend. Some people are great actors and thus know how to act, while other people are terrible actors and thus do not know how to act. Some people know how to pretend, while other people do not know how to pretend. I have many terrible actors in my life who do not know how to act and thus do not know how to pretend. These people think I know nothing, when reality is that I know absolutely everything. Send someone into my office and I'll read him like a book in three minutes. I'll know his flaws, his addictions, his weaknesses, his open or secret habits. I'll know everything about him. And that's why I am where I am, because I know how to read people. And people who are terrible at acting and thus pretending are people who are most easily read. Because you see our heart doesn't allow us to hide anything from anyone. If you have dark thoughts and dark beliefs, your heart will spill it out to the world through the way you speak and thus use your words and through the way you move your body and thus your body language. Many people don't know this at all, but you can't ever fake a laughter and you can't ever fake a smile, because it's impossible to fake a laughter and it's impossible to fake a smile. It just simply can't be done. In fact, if you do try to fake a laughter and if you do try to fake a smile, you inadvertently expose yourself to someone who knows how to read a fake laughter and who knows how to read a fake smile. In my line of business this skill is very needed, because there are always envious people out there who are ready to stab you in the back. And that's why I can always think three to four steps ahead. I can predict their intent before it actually happens. I can see hunger and thirst for power in almost everyone. They all want to replace me. And that's why they keep faking it when they are near me. Well, the more they fake, the more I actually know. Nothing can escape a skillful mind reader. And that's why I am where I am today, because I know how to read minds. So no crocodile tears can help you, if you double-cross me. No crocodile tears can help you, if you want to stab me in the back. It's funny how competition works though. They honestly think they are better than you are. And they are willing to do everything to prove it. Well, I honestly don't care, because I already know what they are planning to do, cause I am three steps ahead of them. It's the kind of life I live, if you're curious. That's why my knowledge helps me a lot. You're right, the world is full of dishonest people. I am as honest as I can be. I built what I built out of honesty. I am proud of myself whenever I look back in time. I am proud of everything. I never did anything bad to anyone. They did it to themselves. And now I am living my dreams and they are living their worst nightmares. Honesty pays of, people. More than dishonesty ever will. I fired his ass!       
