For all the dreamers


Just something for all of you dreamers out there. 

Nothing is impossible, because everything's possible. If you believe everything's impossible, you can't make anything possible. If you however believe that everything IS possible, then you can make anything possible. So if you've a dream, protect your dream, don't just throw it away because of somebody else's lie or because of other people's lies. He or she doesn't know, 

and they do not know what is possible for you. You are the only one who truly knows what is possible for you. Nobody else but you. And the reason why is because you are the only one who can see your dream, and nobody else, no other person on this planet, can see your dream, because your dream can be seen only through your eyes, and cannot be seen through eyes of other people or through eyes of another person. 

People who tell other people that their dreams are impossible are people who do have their dreams but aren't willing to do anything about them, or don't have their dreams anymore and are upset because they don't have their dreams anymore, and want to steal other people's dreams away from them or end other people's dreams. You don't really need to listen to them, simply because, their words are meaningless. Their words have no meaning at all. They just want to hurt you under pretense of care. 

They just want to destroy your dreams under pretense of caring. That's why they say they care about you and don't want you to get hurt. If they actually cared, they would push you forward. If they actually cared they wouldn't ever lie to you. If they actually cared, they would leave you alone to pursue your dreams under your own terms. These people are pathetic individuals who believe they are doing the right thing, all the while, they know deep down, that they are doing the wrong thing. They are lying to you and they know they are lying to you. 

They simply don't want to see you succeed at something and they don't want to see you be better than they are. They aren't and they are never ever going to be better than you are. Because if you have a dream and they don't have one, you are in advantage, because you are actually dreaming about something, and they aren't dreaming about anything. So who are they to tell you that it's impossible? They are nobodies who can't even make their dreams possible, aren't they? I tell you, if I actually listened to them, I would never ever be where I am today. I tell you, 

if you actually listen to THEM you will always be where you are right NOW. It's not that you can stop caring about what they think. You will always care about what they think about you. But you can say screw it, and do your own thing, so maybe, just maybe you can prove them wrong with all the work and all of your effort. But even then there's always going to be someone who will still disagree with you and who will still tell you about the impossibility of your dream. Because that's pretty

 much the only thing you can't ever change. Even the best writer in the world who is beloved all over the world has at least one critic who despises his work for whatever reason. I can't tell you of the amount of enemies I have, enemies I am friends with. Enemies I choose to be friends with. There's way too many of them to name them all. But I can tell you what it means to give your dream to someone else, what it means to give up on your dream. I listened and I gave up. But then someone else took it away and I fought like hell to take it back. I took it and it was mine again. If it wasn't, I wouldn't be here writing this message. 

I just want to tell you that no dream is impossible if you believe in it until you make it happen. But no dream is possible if you don't work on it long enough until you make it happen. There are talent shows out there that exist to make you believe that you can achieve overnight success. There's no such thing as overnight success! It doesn't exist ! No one can achieve success overnight. Because there's failure he needs to survive through first, there's an obstacle he needs to jump through, hardship he needs to go through, an enemy he needs to beat, competition he needs to compete with... Can't tell you how many times I failed, hardships I had to go through... I hate it when people tell me that I am successful 

because of this or because of that, because of what I run and because of what I do. They don't really know my story. They don't know anything about my story. They just see what is, they don't see what used to be. The real work is done behind the scenes. The real work is always done behind the scenes. If you want to succeed in life, you must do loads of work behind the scenes. Practice, practice, practice. Work, work, work. Do the things that get you closer to your dream and stop doing things that keep you away from your dream. That's the only way you can succeed. 

If you listen to others about what you can and about what you can't do with your life, you can't ever succeed in life. I am where I am, because I don't listen to them anymore, and you are where you are because you listen to them. Don't listen to them, because they don't know what they are talking about. Remember. They can't see your dream, you are the only one who can.        
