Now it begins


Gosh, I really suck at writing these. I don't really know what I want to share with you guys. So instead of writing the usual gibberish, I'm just going to share the most important things about me. I'm dark-hairded brown-eyed slim-figured thirty-five year old male who really loves to read, who really loves to write, and who really loves to learn something new every single day of his life. When I'm not reading, writing, or learning, I'm usually busy watching old tv shows and old sitcoms on my flat screen TV. I don't really dig the new ones and honestly, I don't really care about them at all. So now that we have daily habits and hobies covered, I think it's time to talk about my dream. I have a pretty big dream. I don't just want to become a published author of one of the most sold-out book series in the world, but I want to inspire the whole world through my writing. I want people to know they matter a lot, that they are are unique and special in their very own way. So basically, I'm dreaming about making a tremendous difference in the world. As for my religion. I believe that there's something out there and is in charge of love and in charge of light. I believe that we are all in one way or another connected to this love and connected to this light. So I guess you can say that I believe in the power of love and in the power of light. As far as my personality goes, I'm very humble and very kind, and my friends keep telling me way too grateful and way too smart for my very own good. And I believe this is the last one. I'm here because I want to practice my writing skills, and that's why I have this really great idea. One day I'm going to write about things I'm going to do tomorrow and the next day I'm going to write about things that I did do, and how everything turned out in the end. I think that that way I can really improve on my writing craft. Besides, I've already watched all of Rebecca's videos on Youtube ( what a fantastic teacher she is! ) and believe that I memorized and learned everything. You can read me or choose not to read me. I am pretty interesting guy. You'll see that soon enough. But anyway this is my daily diary which I am going to use to talk about today and about tomorrow. You can reply to me or comment any time you want to reply to me or comment. I'm just here to have fun 

