Leave me alone for sometime.


Dear Diary,

I don’t know how everyone is so bothered about my breast milk. I mean, you’re not my mother to get that personal. Asking about my breast milk and if I am breastfeeding is one thing and complaining that baby is sick because of something I ate is another level of interference. To tell the truth I haven’t been breastfeeding for a while and getting accused for something I haven’t done and something that isn’t your business just makes me so mad. I am already struggling to get my supply back up and to get the baby latch and so many other things. I don’t need your advices on parenting and shit. I don’t care if you’re an old person sharing your wisdom. I just don’t need it. I am not disrespecting you. I just want to be left alone and be guided when I ask for it. Just because you’re old and experienced that doesn’t make you a pediatrician. 
