July 08, 2024


Dear Diary,

Today started with promise, but it quickly spiraled into disappointment. Initially, I was already frustrated because my family insisted on going to the beach instead of the swimming pool, which I had my heart set on. Reluctantly, I tagged along, only to find that like last time, swimming was prohibited by the life guard. I decided to leave them to it and headed towards the pool, with my family begrudgingly following suit. 

But that wasn’t the worst of it. The real low point came when my mom and her sister got into a blazing row—or what some might call a "heated argument," though to me, it felt more like an all-out brawl. They're talking now, but things just aren't the same anymore. Let me tell you how it all unraveled.

After returning from the pool, my mom and aunt were back at the chalet when my aunt innocently asked about her kids. My mom, being honest as ever, informed her that her 10-year-old daughter was in the pool under my dad's supervision, while her 12-year-old son was on the beach. This simple exchange somehow ignited a powder keg.

My aunt exploded, demanding how my dad could possibly keep an eye on both kids simultaneously. She sarcastically suggested he split himself in half, setting off a chain reaction that turned the chalet into a stormy battleground. 

Honestly, I almost wished a real hurricane would whisk us all away to different corners of the world, just like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz. At least then, we wouldn't be trapped in this suffocating atmosphere of tension and disappointment.

