July 07, 2024


Dear diary,

Today has been a truly frustrating day as we're unexpectedly stuck for another day in this rundown chalet. I'm at my wit's end, and here's why.

Firstly, the toilet situation is beyond exasperating. It seems to be constantly leaking water, which not only creates a perpetual mess but also leaves a persistently unpleasant odor lingering in the bathroom. It's like dealing with a plumbing nightmare that won't quit.

As for the beds, they are another story altogether. It appears the elderly man who rented out this chalet opted for the cheapest and most unkempt option available. The bed sheets are scratchier than a hedgehog with a bad attitude, as if they've been sprinkled with sand for added discomfort. To make matters worse, one of the beds had the uninvited company of five ants, which certainly didn't help improve my mood.

I sincerely hope that tomorrow brings some relief from these trials. Until then, I'll continue to count down the hours until we can bid farewell to this less-than-ideal accommodation.

Yours in resignation,
