June 12, 2024


I think there is something that's so wrong with me.How was I able to convince myself that I am conscience free? That I am much more than those stray cowards. I, who berate the frailty of others, frailty so similar to my shadow. I, who exclaim at their nakedness, while I bury it desperately. How was I able to puff my blistering chest? How! When the odour of my veiled truth oozes from my skin. Like I did not hide my monster under the skirt. Like I did not swim in the sewers. I should be hacking my tongue and displaying it before the gates of my kingdom. And tell them finally, "here lies the end of the liar." Then, gather it, burn it at the stake, throw the ashes in the river. Let it never return. I want no parts of it. I want none of it.  I want none of me.

Yours even as I fear to be. 