June 04, 2024


Dear ghost,

If you happen to ask me what type of love I want? I would tilt my head ever so slightly, and squint my eyes as if I never thought of it before. As if I never imagined it as a golden rose in my garden. Then, I will laugh as if I own the stars, and whisper to you, " I want the type of love that does not burn fiercely but rains softly in the corners of my world. I do not want it to mess my stars in shamble but to settle in as if it always belonged. I do not want it to storm inside my cave but exist ever so gently like it was always meant to be. I do not want a love like a hurricane but a tender breeze. I do not want love that is chaotic but is so peaceful that I question the silence, only to shake my head and slumber back into its embrace. A love that tames you instead of provoking you." Then, I will raise my eyebrow to affirm my delusions. Then, I will hum my night away for it is just another night of a hopeless romantic.

Yours even as I fear to be.
