Prepping For The Reunion


Our class reunion is fast approaching. Originally, I was skeptical about attending given that I wasn't an alumna of that school. However, Blaire, my childhood best friend, insisted I come, telling me I had left a mark in that school and that everyone would be thrilled to see me again. I wasn't quite sure about that… Yes, I was the most popular girl at that time, but recalling my reign isn't entirely pleasant because.. well, I'm not proud of this but, I was kind of a tyrant. I bullied some kids and said mean things to classmates whose identities I can no longer recall, except this one boy in kindergarten. Reflecting on it fills me with guilt. I hope they've forgotten those incidents…

When Blaire added me to the group chat, I was rather greeted with a warm welcome both from familiar faces and those I struggled to recognise, melting my hesitance to attend. They had also invited other former classmates who, like me, didn't graduate from that elementary. Among them were Don, my first crush; and Raul, my childhood sweetheart.

Me: “The venue will be at the beach, right? I've been thinking of working out but gosh, it's so exhausting 😭”

Blaire: “No need to workout. You're sexy already. I'm sure everybody will like you.”

Me: “It's not that. It's just... You-know-who is so fit.”

The last time I worked out was I think three years ago. Raul, the you-know-who I was referring to, is absolutely gorgeous now judging from his Facebook pictures. Tall, ever-so-tanned, lean and fit. Apart from being both a basketball player and a coach, he's also a wellness and fitness instructor. As Blaire had said: “He's become even more handsome now.”

Motivated to show up with a good figure in front of my elementary classmates I haven't seen in ages, most especially in the presence of Raul, I've incorporated a workout routine into my ménage duties to kill two birds with one stone: keeping the space clean and getting in shape. The only exercise I can manage is squats, though. I mean, I can do more but for the love of God, it's extremely tiresome 😭. So I only resort to squats whilst I sweep and mop. I feel like they thicken my thighs more than my butt, though..

"What the heck are you doing?" my sister had asked when she found me mopping the floor in such peculiarity.

"Working out and cleaning at the same time."

Ever since I've been residing at my older sister's place, I’ve been eating three meals a day and got alarmed upon noticing that my usually flat stomach has been appearing constantly bloated. When we went to the hospital for my niece, I hastily hopped on the scale and it showed I gained 3kg since the last time I weighed myself, which was on New Year (2024).

I should rejoice because 36kg is far too little... I don't know my exact weight now but 3 weeks ago, at the hospital, the scale revealed I was 39kg. It's still quite low but I honestly don't mind gaining weight so long as they're not visible on my stomach.

It's a good thing I'm not the only one concerned about my physique for the reunion because Blaire is trying to combat her insecurities, too.

Me: “I'm so excited to see you again!”

Blaire: “Very soon! The plan was to diet yet I only gained more weight 🤣🤣🤣”

Me: “BAHAHAHA. I won't even eat for two days before the reunion so that my belly pooch deflates at least 🤣🤣🤣”

Blaire: “I told myself ‘I won't eat. Just once a day.' Not long after, I came rummaging through the pot cos I was starving 🤣🤣”

Me: “I was also thinking to only eat small portions so I won't be bloated. Like, three spoons of food but in every hour 🤣 But it's too difficult, I have no self-control. I'm telling you, I really won't eat for two days before the reunion. Hahaha.”

I wish Blaire would wear a bikini too but she's far too conservative for that. But I'm pretty sure Lorelei will wear one so it's fine.

The reunion will take place this Sunday. I leave my sister's place Friday night. Only less than a week left.. I've been avoiding processed sugar as much as possible, which means no more desserts for me. Oh, but it is so hard! Yesterday, the ice-cream was calling onto me begging to be eaten and I was so weak, I gave in to temptation. I don't want to lose weight at all; I just want to stop bloating and remove this little pouch on my stomach because Raul has abs and I want to look equally stunning as him. Thankfully, I have managed to control my cravings for soda, coffee, and juices so these days, I've just been drinking water.

Three months ago, the plan for this reunion was conceived, and now, there are only six days left until it happens..

I'm so excited to travel by ship again!
