My life in a Nutshell


Dear Diary,

  I am not able to find a good relationship for myself. People walk in the hallways as couple, and it makes me sad for myself that I am walking alone. And the reason I don't have a relationship is because my parents would not buy me a phone and add pressure that they will only buy it if I get a grade above 90 and if I don't, they will take it away until I fix it. And the reason they won't buy me a phone is because they don't trust me. And they don't trust me because they never trusted me, they always sided the opposite to me, which made me have a depressing childhood.

  When I try to speak out to someone, they call me dramatic and other stuff. I am only good at one sport and that is the sport I am bad at. I am not from a rich family or from a family that has a respectable history. I am not very attractive either. Not a very nice person. I wish I would have been a better person, but I can't change. People take me as a joke and never take me seriously. I never get the respect I deserve, and some are even racist because of my culture. I tried to commit suicide once, but I was too scared to lose my dear life. I have anxiety and stress. I have no one to reach out to, or someone who will understand me.
