March 24, 2024


Dear Diary,

You bragged about how you could do assignments fast yet here I am, doing more than you within a week's worth of time. It took 2 days to finish one stupid transcript..I still have two more. I'm not retarded, there's just too much on my plate and too little time but you don't get it.

I also pray to God or whatever divinity is up there that this stalkering pathetic little bitch of an ex friend go find a job instead of being a bitch twat unemployed loser trying to dox people for 5 years in a row because you have too much time on your hand. Take your meds and go back to your psychward or something. You're acting like a fucking parasite, a useless scum to society. I never talk about you for a good damn reason. But you just don't get it. 

Why don't people get it?
