I'm Doomed 18/01/24


Dear Diary, yesterday I was talking to someone online he was a medical student and I asked him can hymen regenerate? And he said yes but today I searched up and answer is no you have to get hymenoplasty... 2 years back I was indulged in finger something and that time I saw pinkish fluid on my fingers it was not pure bloodish blood but there was definetly something pinkish pinkish😭 I got so scared that I injured myself or something and stopped doing it literally I didnt even knew what hymen was. now that I know about hymen I feel like I broke it😭😭And it says I have to do hymenoplasty to regain it😭 I asked that guy how can we check hymen? He told me to use a mirror and I did but I can't figure out though... I still think it's broke because I looked up on google how hymen looks😭😭😭 mummyyy I never even talked to a guy properly what is thiss??!?!?!?!?!?!?! I wanted to save it for my husband😭
