January 07, 2024


Dear Diary,

Hello 2024!

This is my first note for 2024 and in 2024.

So, nothing much, I thought to write but I am quite a procrastinator and a lazy person so...I am here on the 7th day.

Yesterday, I thought I will sleep early and woke up early and do many stuff of which I made a to do list... but as I didn't sleep early so could not woke up early and rest is history...not a job completed from the list.

Work is going okay but I don't want okay...so I have some new goals for January and February. I want to start 1-2 YouTube Channel, one for myself and one for my mum. And I want to grow an Instagram page as well but at the same time I want to keep my life private so I came up with a solution to grow company's page...as right now we are lagging behind, not doing trending stuff and all so...I thought to give a try and learn new things....I have so many things at the same time, I feel that I need more rest as I am still tired with the trip....but a week is over...I should buckle up but these days I spend or I should say waste a lot of time in browsing on Instagram....like hours and hours, that's why some of the work stuff is getting piled up but I need to wake up from tomorrow. This Sunday I would not like to work.

Its 3:30pm, Sunday is about to finish still, my list is full of things I was supposed to do... some of them will be shifted for tomorrow and some of the things, I might not do.... right now I will go and get a shower first.

Bye! See you tomorrow. I  also want to develop a habit of writing journal daily. So see you tomorrow.

Until then Goodbye 
