its all messy (November 11, 2023)


Dear Diary,

today was a floor art competition at my school and guess what even after all my attempts I still lost to that teacher's pet *sigh* this was the last year so i wanted to win but i guess my luck was just too bad  and the one that my friend made was way more beautiful but...still they didn't even consider her i mean that's just not good it doesn't matter if they didn't consider mine but my friend...her's was wayyy better infact the most beautiful one out there and still...they ignored her and you know after that i lost my keys ahhhh it took me hours to look around and still couldn't find them back and after my friends came in for the rescue and found them for me seriously o do love them group of mine. turns out when i was making rangoli a girl dropped my coat and the keys in it was also lost in the way...


after that my tution classes came and...dam all the girls there have what tf- i felt really left out there and insecure too.. but then we all went to a cafe and well ate but then my mom called about going to get groceries..i also wanted to go so i rushed my wayyy and this new mart sort of thing opened so we decided to go there and and it was hugeeee i mean sooo hugeee my legs are still hurting from that

due to high inflation we couldn't affort much of the items there sooo we didn't buy much but after it turns out basic dry fruits and nuts have become soo costly that the next day which is today i had to return it......after doing soo me and my father decided to get a present for mom but while going inside the mart again we needed a cart but the rooling one was not there so i picked a hand dad insteded we look for a rooling one...ahhh that embarising memory there were 3 empty ones so when i got to pick 2 were being tsken and i was like 3 one will be mine but it was ALRADY SOMEBODY'SSS wtf they were like sorry but its ours uhh we brought it here and me all embareses said sorry and went off and my fater still wanted a rolling one so i jsut said with a weird face to stick with the hand one ...went home in between bought appels...they were good..sweet...ohh and my mom loved that gift uhh dress i mean well she's been annnoyed for quite some time now so yea i hope that cooled down her a bit . i thing money is the main problem thooo and i have no idea how to solve it 

in the evening she said she would get lonely after i leave and go out of town for me sad and deep thoughts occuring at the same time *sigh*... human emotions are not my cup of tea.
