October 29, 2023


Dear Diary, 2:29am right now I am writing this because I woke up due to a really bad nightmare. I saw my frnds and suddenly a ghost possessed her and she was trying to kill me looking soo scary literally like she transformed into ghost and I woke up. I was hoping it was past 3 Am but nope it still 2:30am almost and eclipse is going on grahan laga hai literally my temple priest told us that we should do as much as chanting while eclipse but bcause this one was in night that's why everyone is sleeping we are supposed to bath at 3am after the eclipse ends. I HAD THIS NIGHTMARE OF A GHOST DURING GRAHAN ECLIPSE?!?!? LAST TIME I HAD NIGHTMARE OF GHOST DURING PIRTRI PAKSA SHRADDH MONTH WHEN THE GHOST OR THE DEAD COMES TO VISIT BASICALLY GHOST MONTH  mmy i am scared why they are doing this to me only nobody in this house gets nightmare except me

I wamt to drink water right now but i am too scared to even get our of my bed 😭😭😭
