These lonely nights{October 01, 2023}


Dear Diary,

finalyy!! that rapist guy will be gone tomorrow I just can't wait for him to go....I still can't sleep I start having nightmares...they are very brutal I hate it please just someone ….I want just someone to consult me, to tell me its alright I'm just so alone. You see this is why being a single child is dreadful it just feels so lonely and it..hurts I- I don't have anyone to relay on after my parents get old no one will be thee to understand no one will be there to share the pain with me, i have all the responsibilities just because i am the only child where will my parents go if not me who will they rely on if not me ahhh this is soo scary even thinking of dying is not an option and the responsibility i have and the more i grow the more im starting to relise how serius and important this is...i just truly need someone to just tell me its okay and everything will be alright.  
