can't get it out of my mind {September 22, 2023}


Dear Diary,

I finally finished my mid-terms :') my accounts paper? how did it go? was worst than shit...imma defiantly fail for sure but ehh who cares I finished my exams at least that's all what matters to me. But when i was driving back home after exams stopping at the red light I saw small poor children. They had leeches on their head , it looked like they haven't bathed for ages and their age...some looked like 12 while some 7-8 and rest of them were bellow the age of 5. they seemed really hungry i was really sad watching them roam around begging for money but they also seemed free and united all of them didn't go anywhere alone they are always in a group and mostly they hold hands while walking together i does make sence why they do so since looking around them i saw many big adults looking at them pitifully , sadness or observing them but some were...watching them lustfully it was disgusting when i saw that i really wish those children will grow up and become strong before this cruel world breaks them apart..

after comming honme i got to know that my brother ( who sexaully assulted me ) needs bed rest after the operation and will be staying here and more or less USING MY WASHRPOOM- i dont want to share nooo i don't want him to even be near my house or my city just go to where you belong or lay in the hospital , why tf are you coming here and troubling us and we poor bruh - don't even have enough money for milk and because of him and his messed up family again and again our expenses are increasing, infact after what that 32 yearb old shit tried to do to me i hope he ends up with a broken back for life. he just got married to a girl ( arranged marriage ) and the girlis a little dark in complexion so....he hates her, avoides her and does not want her wow how much of a worst creature is this dude..he looks decent enough but thinks too high of himself aka a narcissist is all what he is .

oh and one more thing i ate icecream today :) 
