August 11, 2023


Dear Diary, Today I went talking with a new housing supporter. Her name was very similar like Nirvana. I almost missed my meeting with her because I screwed up the timing (like always..) and ended up in last minute. Also I had a bad hair day. But it's ok, we all have it.

I also had an accident at the dining table where I accidentally flopped into the wine rack and some glases shattered right at me. I was lucky to right in time bend my back over and take cover which, made a huge difference.. No one was hurt. 😄

But anyways at the appointment with this very outspoken, eccentric and, very pretty, woman with, skin on her nose. She got very upset when I told her about my self-distructive behavior. She had a long talk with me for 3 hours straight about how to handle  my situation in life. She asked me if I were bored at hearing her talking so much. I just smiled and said; "Nope!"

She told me that my name is beautiful (I dislike my name) and that my smile Shines. She saw right through me and it felt like she immediately knew all about me and my history. She was so understanding. She said - "I can see in your eyes that, you've been through something, and that's probably why you seem to withdrawn" my eyes and heart was tearing when she said that..


I also then after had another accident at the elevator. I rested against the alarm system and a loud warning sound turned on while I was just standing still for 10 seconds. I moved away and then everything was back to normal again and I heard a man talking on the speaker. I got out from the elevator, embarrassed as hell. 

after we finished I bought school supplies at the mall. The Store name (Tiger) two books. 1 calendar and 1 notepad. It landed on 9,70€

Then I walked across the street to (LIDL) and bought a drink with blueberry and, vanilla flavour. So yummy! ("But seriously it was so god damn good!") I also bought some almond dipped nuts in chocolate. (Not the best but it worked) I had a 8,43€ in my wallet which I got from a close relative who is nearly 104 years old. I decided to give that money I got from her to a homeless lady just outside the store. She gave me some blessings and showed me appreciation with her hands. I just gave her a simple thumb up without thinking about it so much. I felt the need to give it to her, she looked so sweet. 

Lol. I can't see what I am actually typing.. Maybe do an upgrade on the app? 

