July 29, 2023 #433


Dear Diary,

I realized I don’t have friends near me. 

I have an unbiological twin. But that’s not counted. My childhood friend texted me after years last summer and I might be able to reconnect with her. But I miss my 3 friends from school. I had to left them because of my mental health problem. depression during the pandemic made me unable to text them back. I feel guilty and I don’t know how to get back. I tried several times but outcome was a bit awkward. I don’t know I felt they were unwelcoming. Time to let go maybe. I hate that I had to have depression during the pandemic. 

I am not good at being with people but wanna talk with them again. 

Oh no boy, that’s a sad summer afternoon

Dear Diary, 

Also, two people in my work place are trying to invade my personal life. And I feel stressed when I supposed to have a rest. It’s weekend bro! What the heck!

 I talked too much about myself to one of them. Now he knows my favorite podcast. 

That’s anything goes with emma chamberlain. To me she’s very relatable so that’s why I love this podcast. But that’s the end. He already tried out and he started to associate me with her. THATS VERY UNCOMFORTABLE AND HE SENDS ME TEXTS EVERYDAY AFTER WORK!! I thought he is a nice caring person and trusted him too much and too soon. That’s my fault. I have already several experiences exact like this… 

Think what makes me feel better ❤️‍🩹 
I got this…

I can’t be in my bed all day long…