April 26, 2023


Dear Stranger, 

The beast roared today, I wasn't so surprised when it showed it's ugly face. I'm not scared, I look at it with desperate acceptance. It won't make me cry. It's okay C, it's okay. 

It's inches from my face at any moment. I hadn't seen you in a while huh? Not since before the hospital. Back then, you still lived in my mind. Prowling a great dead forest, infesting every corner, turning everything gray in your path, silencing any light you touch. 

But now you stare, from outside of me. 

Too bad you ugly thing, I won't give you any silence. Any space. I stand my ground in front of you, horse from hell. You tell me I'm no longer human but look at yourself. A parasite, you stare at me. I stare back. No silence, no space. Don't let it roar again.

If it does, don't listen to what it says. 

Do you understand? 
