March 27, 2023 #416


Dear Diary,

I’m lately feeling like I’m going down to the pass towards depression. No I’m not going back there again at least until next winter comes. 

I don’t know but I find myself tearing for nothing. Nothing but after eating, before and after sleep. That means it’s actually not for nothing but that means  I don’t treat my brain well recently. 

But today, I went to a mall to buy my office/storehouse shoes for my first real job. 

I bought bento box to bring lunch to the office. Nice face towels that looks like for grownups. 

Additionally, literally additionally, I bought a cute mug for tea. Why not? It wasn’t expensive at all. And new umbrella… I‘be been using the same red one with blue dots since when I was 14!! Now it’s been 10 years!! Today I found cute one. It’s lighter than the red one. The color is light blue and yellow with beautiful tulip patterns. I love it! 

Now I have that work shoes, platform boots for next winter, my new sneakers…

Heavy enough. 

I need to go get some blouses for work  too. 
