Love is light


Dear Diary,

Light you have inside of you can light up the entire world. But it's not on me, or anybody else. It's on you. It's only on you. For you are the only one who can find it within you, you are the only one who can turn it on, make it shine over the entire world. You are powerful way beyond your or anybody else's imagination. You are powerful more than you or anybody else can imagine. You can do so many great and amazing things in your life. You can completely transform the world, you can make the whole world shine. What is this light you have inside of you? You call it love, but it's not only love. 

It's spiritual, cosmic, and universal love. Love you can only feel when you are spiritually, cosmically, or universally connected to the Universe. Love you can only feel once you are fully aware of who you are and what you can truly do not just for yourself, or someone else, but for the entire world. We all have this light inside of us. Yours is just different from mine, and mine is just different from yours, because we don't share the same path, we don't share the same road, we don't share the same way, and we don't share 

the same destiny. Your experience of love is different from my own experience of love. You feel it in your own way and I feel it in my own way. We both experience and we both feel love in a different way. Love is far more powerful than all of us realize. Your love is far more powerful than you realize. You are more powerful than you realize. But you don't know this, do you? You don't know this at all, because none of us really knows the true power of love and how powerful all of us are. None of us knows, because we are being fed with false awareness and perception of love.

 We foolishly believe that love is but a feeling, an emotion we either feel towards someone we care deeply about, cherish, or truly love. Love is a whole lot more than that, love is a whole lot more than just a feeling. Love is our connection to God, love is our connection to the Universe, love is our light, love is the power we all have inside of us through which we can light up the entire world. But we don't know this, do we? We don't know this because we are idiots, we don't know this because we are stupid, we don't know this because we are ignorant and unaware. We don't know this because we allowed hatred and everything that comes with hatred  to envelop our hearts. We don't know this because nobody ever tells us of this, nobody's ever told us of this. Or somebody actually tells us, or somebody's actually told, and we don't listen, we didn't listen. Imagine 

your heart filled with love and with everything that comes with love, acceptance, health, kindness, humility, humbleness, selflessness, gratitude, gracefulness, happiness, positivity, divinity, magnificence. Now, imagine your heart filled with hatred and everything that comes with hatred, unacceptance, judgment, anger, shame, resentment, regret, sorrow, envy, greed, hunger, thirst, lust, negativity, lack of health, madness, loneliness, and so on. Imagine your heart is filled with love, and now imagine your heart filled with hatred. Imagine being in touch with the Universe because your heart is filled with love, and imagine not being in touch with 

the Universe because your heart is filled with hatred. The light you have within you can light up the entire world, light WE ALL HAVE inside of us can light up the entire world. The only reason why it doesn't light up the entire world is because we allow and we keep allowing hatred to get in the way, and the more we allow and we keep allowing hatred

 to get in the way, the harder it is for us to find love, and the harder it is for us to find love, the harder it is for us to turn on that light and light up the entire world with it. Love is a whole lot more than just a feeling, a whole lot more than just an emotion. Love is the light we all have inside of us.         
