November 12, 2022: I'm probably done with this shit. Pandas don't make the rules. I do.


This is why I don't relationships or anything even closely resembling to one.

Listen up, men.
You don't tell a girl you "genuinely like her" and then forget about her the very next day and not call or text for the week. AND YOU DEFINITELY CAN'T KEEP SENDING REELS ON INSTAGRAM BITCH.

I feel like shit guys. I feel stupid. 
Stupid, STUPID Parishka.
What was I even thinking?!?!
That I could actually have a
 relationship? Me?? 

Fucker wasn't wrong when he said he was scared that I was too smart for him. 

Let's find out what happens when we treat men the way they treat us.
Here's a hypothesis: It's gonna make me just another entitled bitch who also fucked with his feelings like everyone else.

Yeah dude really didn't "deserve a shot" y'all. Please don't say I didn't try or "give it time"

Because I did.

"Maybe I should just date myself"
