November 04, 2022: The start of something new


Hi. I'm here to start a Hinge journal. This is weird but I have a good feeling about it.

For those who're not aware of what Hinge is: it's a dating app, and the reason why I'm doing this is that I'm not a dating app person. Or even a dating person for that matter. Which is what makes this journal so very interesting.

I'm 18 and a neurodivergent (maybe) overachiever (yes, I checked), and I have a thing for reading people. They all look like different books to me, just waiting to be opened. Me? I like to consider myself a directory for all the people in my life. Someone else might be a directory to me, but I know that someone isn't me. 

Anyways, let's start with an important question.

Why Hinge?

Well, I like to tell people that I initially joined Hinge for a college assignment. I had to do market research on dating apps and the first thing that I realised was the fact that I've never been on one myself.

On the course of this journey, I'll be giving updates of the men I speak to, and maybe even meet. And of course, you'll get to know just how weird I am as a human. And you'll see why I keep saying "Maybe I should just marry myself"
