October 13, 2022 #312


Dear Diary, it was rainy day today so I didn’t go walk at all. Mom was out to have lunch with her friend. She gave a box of fancy cookies. I have no idea what kind of topics they were talking for hours in public. I hope it’s not only about their children. 

I hesitate to ask anything even for my parents. 

Next Monday I have my first therapy session. It’s very expensive. I am sure I can invite my family to lunch at a restaurant. So I gotta be prepared for what I want to consult with the therapist. 

Okay what I have been doing for today? I have no idea. I watched several episodes of Full House. watched a talk show. They were talking about a scandalous cult. I actually knew that I should watch something good like Disney. I just kept watching it👻👻👻

I did the dishes even I was feeling unmotivated. I think it’s nice to let myself experience “oh this is way easier than I expected. I feel silly” feeling. And I did 30 min of Zumba dance because I was all alone. I didn’t feel like doing yoga at that time. 

I took a shower today and did skincare. 

My stomach is weird. I don’t feel full even after having dinner. My mom suggested it’s because of hormone. 

I took two hours of nap after 4;30. And I felt really bad about myself. 
