The day I needed


Today was honestly a good day, my best friend came over and this guy I met yesterday came over too. The three of us hung out and watched some movies and me and the guy cuddled for so long, I honestly invited him over cuz he’s a very physical person but he’s also really respectful so I just wanted a guy to hold me close without getting a hard on and thinking something else was gonna happen and I finally found that so I’m really happy :)

He’s super cute and adorable and shy, loves cuddling has a good sense of humor and a VERY good listener. He’s really sweet and cute but not to the point where it seems obnoxious (well at least to me) surprisingly he’s a Leo??? I wasn’t excepting that all. I know the whole astrology thing ain’t accurate when it comes to the personality’s but ima be honest some of y’all truly do act like ur zodiacs💀✋🏽 I’ve met some accurate mfs in my life ong but this guy definitely not what I was expecting but whatever.

I think me and him are gonna be very good friends honestly, I’ve been looking for someone lately who will just hold me tight and hug me and not let go but won’t take it to heart and think “OH WERE DATING SHE LIKES ME!) like no man I’m just going through a really hard time and need someone to hold me rn :/ I’m not at all stable for a relationship and tbh won’t be for a quite a while since I MIGHT go on mood stabilizers 💀

My best friend looked so good today too, her outfit looked amazing 😻 and she got this haircut that makes her looks so hot and gorgeous <3 I’m so happy today cuz she had a mini photo shoot in my room while I was cuddling in the living room and when I went to check in on her she said she was actually having a lot of fun and that she felt really pretty today☹️🫶🏽 Which makes me so happy to hear because she’s gorgeous but has really low self-esteem and an ED so she doesn’t think that highly of herself :( so I’m really happy she’s doing a bit better now and I’m very happy that today was a good day for her💓
