September 06, 2022


Dear Diary, it's 2:32am here in Nigeria. I've been up for almost 2 hours now, my back hurts and I don't know why.. 

My bf went on a suspicious trip in Sunday and had lots of unrelated details attached to the whole story, I called his bullshit and accused him of lying and he didn't counter it, only just ignored me all through the day and Lol, the most amazing part of it all is I didn't feel the pains pang in my heart I would have usually felt whenever he hurts, lol it felt strange not getting those heart aches but I'm happy I didn't feel that.. 

But I wonder it means something more?? If my hearts no longer aches when he misbehaves, like I feel freaking normal.. But I know I still do love him, I just wonder why I never felt that pang few days ago.. 
