August 19, 2022 #252


Dear Diary, okay I learnt today that identity crisis commonly happens after having depression because person have stayed too long in the void of emptiness. I was like “oh yeah?” And it was also said that a period called identity moratorium is a thing. It happens to person who’s finished one big period of life. Thinking about me, it’s me because I finished my life as a student.   “Well…Okay tell me more” And important thing for a person phasing that period is exploring themselves. Eg. Try new things (I signed up for my yoga classes) talk to friends (my friends live far away) make life chart graph (I don’t remember my past well…) etc etc

I don’t know why but trying to reach out my identity is such a painful thing for my heart. Stressful and mehhhhhhhhhhhhh 

And what about the job I “want” to apply for…? Omg omg omg don’t be panicked don’t be panicked…

In the long term I think I need to spend more time to deal with my mental problems and yep my identity crisis. But in the short term… I feel like I need to finish writing my resume and send it. 

If I am mentally healthy enough, I would do apply for the job interview and deal with my identity crisis thing while I’m doing full time job. My parents are too optimistic about my mental health situation and worrying about my money source. I might be too pessimistic about my whole life well mainly my mental health so I would like to take care of my identity thing and want to finalize my depression overcoming journey. 

Hmmm well so what about this? I apply for the job interview ASAP then I would fail. Because I don’t really know anything about me and my passion and my past. The job offer info was actually found by my mom and she even made up the brief reason why I want that job. But I wasn’t sure about that. Well I want a full time job tho. I want a good enough job as my first carrier tho. 

Okay what I was saying was I can tackle the self coping period after I try for the job interview experience. 

Ooohkayyyyh sooooooo In conclusion, I need to made my resume ASAP while I am unsure about myself mylife my passion my past helph! Meh

And what if it ends before I send mine..? Okay either way I have to tackle with stressful rest of August 2022 🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲😭

Good thing is now I have this brief plan for my summer… 

It can be way better than spend all my summer doing animal crossing hahahahahhaahahahahahhaahbaabba

For my future self… cheers 🍻 
