Dear Diary, I had an okay day. I mean… it wasn’t as productive as I wished it would be. But I made some progress on my room cleaning. I throw away things.
What else did I do today? Watched Encanto movie for the first time. I am not a Colombian so I wasn’t sure if it was enough to mention it was Colombian. Coco was okay I guess I am not a Mexican but I am sure that that story should happen based on Mexican culture.
Okay well what else? I woke up at 8:00 and I think that’s fine. Not that bad. Ate breakfast without additional sugar. Felt unmotivated so I visited my camp site…I mean that’s animal crossing app. Too great that’s free! My main motivation for today was capturing hermit crabs to get limited furniture. I want to make summer resort for my animals. Yeah I am taking about a game app.
I think I ate enough and healthy today.
But I couldn’t help myself but took a nap. Naps I mean. On the bed Till my sis came back at 4. On the sofa till I woke up at 6:15. More than 3h. I don’t know why.
I realized that my pert time job had been good for me even though it makes me oddly tired. Now I don’t know how to spend this August.
Yep actually I know what I should do but I mean about the time till I’m trying to get prepared…
Cleaning up my room and doing that ling fit adventure to be healthy.
I don’t know why I am not healthy. I went school and attended P.E class:(
I want to be healthy.