Death Note


[ENTRY 113..✍️]

Erwin has a shrink.. Some guy from his previous company drove him so furious that the constant turmoil of anger repressed within him became so troubling that he needed to speak to a therapist about it. He really abhors the guy. I wonder what the root cause is…

"I want to corner him in a dark isolated area in the middle of the night and throw a hard punch in his face," he said to me one night as we laid in bed when the conversation led to it, his eyes distant as he stared up at the ceiling.

Me, being the supportive inamorata that I am, commented: "Aye, that's smart. No witnesses around."

He chuckled. "Yes, no witnesses."

Then I asked: "If something really horrible happens to him, would you be happy?"

"Yes," was his reply without contemplation.

"If he dies—"


Well, this is interesting. I let out a light laugh of fascination. "I didn't know you're so evil, babe," I playfully stated, having always thought he's a perfectly nice guy. I don't know the full story so maybe that dude really did something incredibly terrible. I still don't understand what his job is, by the way. He tried explaining it once during our first date but he was never clear about it so Layla and I made jocular assumptions that he's a mafia gangster. Lmfao.

"He deserves it," came his response as calm as the night yet as cold as the temperature in the room, making me wonder if the therapy worked at all.

Since he obviously desired harm to befall upon the man, I said: "What's his name? I'll write it down in my Death Note."

With this, an immediate laughter rang from his mouth and the sound was a beautiful disruption of the rather dark atmosphere we had accumulated. I laughed along, insisting: "I truly DO have a Death Note."

"So you're a dangerous girl."


Nah, not at all. I'm too adorable.
