Well, that last evening was able to surprise me, actually, my girlfriend announced that she wants to break up with me, so a new step in my life begins. We had some nice years and I am happy for her to try and find new ways in her life, in the end, it is quite simple, I love her and so I try to support her so that she can be happy and if that means to let her go then so be it :).
But besides that, I want to do an intensive archery session today shooting 110 arrows.
My focus points are my stance & posture (stability in the core), a fixed head position and a proper bow arm position (barrel of the gun and no tilting to the inside).
I aim for 80 % good shots in the session.
Review: Wow that session was fun, I had some very good shots (and some quite bad too :P) and I was able to map out the flight curve of my arrow for my current setup, turns out the point on distance is ~35m and between 10 - 25 m the gap varies between 50 - 60 cm so quite easy to aim at.
Current training effort this week:
Monday - ~100 arrow session, 25 pushups, 40 crunches, shoulder mobility training
Tuesday - Running session to Monte Calvo (400 m up, around 6 km forth & back) in 01:01:29, stretching session of the legs and shoulders
Wednesday - 80 arrows (65 from 20m, 15 for warm-up from 5 & 7 m), 16 minutes SPT 1, 25 pushups, 40 crunches
Thursday - 100 arrows (80 from 20m), 25 pushups, 20 crunches & 10 lunges
Friday - 30 min strength training, 15 min SPT2, 40 min stretching
Saturday - 110 arrows (5 - 35 m), 13 pushups, 20 crunches
Training goal for the week:
1. Around 500 arrows (390/500)
2. ~ 2 hours of endurance training (1/2)
3. 220 minutes of stretching (55/180)
4. 210 minutes of strength training (60/180)
5. SPT1 (1/2) SPT2 (1/1) SPT3 (0/1)