July 06, 2022
hello reader,
my name is light
(a reference to my actual name)
I am here to exppse myself, and only to exppse myself, because I'm so tired of feeling like nothing. hopefully someone can find solace in my words, of course you'll (probaly) never meet me in real life, and I find comfort knowing that.
I am non-binary, and bi-sexual (though I only say that because i like the color scheme, really I'm pan). I have a interest in martial arts and would love to learn such arts, sadly I never had the chance to do so. except for my self taught boxing lessons.
I have suffered from a addiction to porn for years, and I have made great strides to overcoming such an ailment, despite being only 15.
I have dreams to either become a mad scientist or an F.B.I. agent, though all my friends support the mad scientist idea because they all hate the law, they all have good cases against cops though as far as I can tell only one has a peraonal reason to hate them. I want to stop crime and more specifically drugs. I've seen people fight and damn near kill for heroin and weed so theres my reason, and this guy is a stoner who hates cops, everything I am against.
though it's nice to see so many people disagree with me even though they dont know it, it reminds me of my childhood and how I was always (and kinda still am) one of the "corner kids", those who sit at the corner of the lunch room and tell fucked up and racist jokes. though I've transitioned away from them and joined the "gay kids".
but that's all for now.
may your God's be with you, because i know mine are with me.