July 04, 2022 #216


Dear Diary, this might be important note for me

this app help me to be honest to myself and to find a grip to get back to my life path! And also other users who left thoughts and comments!

  • I choose to be happy
  • I can live a life that my gut tells me
  • I can choose to do not worry
  • I am not okay sometimes but when I be, I can ask for help

  • I want to wake up and sleep in a clean tidy room
  • I will avoid to buy cheap hair clips from doller shop (or other plastic things) 
  • I will finish my journal I just started days ago
  • I could be more optimistically about life because I don’t need to be so worried that I get lost
  • I can start to love myself no matter what; don’t compare with others to feel bad about myself, but see others’ respectable points as model or goal or even just  “respectable point” only
  • I want to fix my bad habit that I fake excuses 

I thought last depressed period (2019 winter, 2020 summer to early 2022) would finally last forever this time. It was too long to wait. But I definitely went through my worst era. 

And this time, it was the longest and the deepest and so very tough one though, I realized that I had been fake myself in so many point as I went though this. 
I still don’t really know about myself but at least I know that I have tendency to seek external opinions I have in my mind. And I want to get rid of it and start to walk my own path. 

I know that I am not perfect and I think it is okay and I can’t help it. 
But I easily think I should have been perfect when someone tells me I do less than their expectation/ average. 

I need to practice to accept. Simply accept that my current level doesn’t reach high enough and set the level as my goal to hit. I tend to add one more step to blame myself hard. It’s like… “Yes i am sorry, I am unintelligent to accomplish such a basic thing. I am weak and that’s who am I. I can’t help this. I feel so ashamed and my life is gonna be tragedy and I will soon be back to my depressed self etc… etc…” and spend some days like this. 

I will take note and do my best to reach that. 

Just accept it as my current level. “My” level. “My” competition. I might lack something compared to others but. But take it as my own competition. Comparing to others can be useful to measure where I am especially from others (society, school, company, same age group) 
But that ruler could show things in cm when I want to see myself in inch. 
So, Just focus on my own competition to myself. 
Take that and set that as my next goal I seek, of course if I think it’s needed. 

Well, i prefer self improvement instead of completion tho. I don’t like any competitions :p 

I had to seek my own growth during my very depressed time period. There were no way to compare to others doing healthy. I was/am doing my best get well. So I could realized, I may say. 