June 18, 2022


Dear Diary,

I’m home now. I feel good about being here. 

I slept most of the day because of the pills I’m on. It is supposed to help me be more relaxed and not in such a heightened state of emotion, as my psychiatrist put it. All they do is make me sleep. 

Tomorrow is Father’s Day. I made my dad a cake today. I wasn’t sure how I would feel tomorrow so I figured it would be best to do it today. It was very last minute me coming home so I didn’t have a chance to buy him a gift but he said not to worry, I was the best gift he could ever have. I still wanted to buy him something. I probably will this week sometime. Exactly what, I’m not sure.

My psychiatrist called my dad today to see how I was doing and he is pleased with how the medication is treating me so I will be on this for a while. I guess, sleeping all day is the result he is looking for.

I FaceTimed my mom a little bit ago. She is busy with the boys today but she said she was going to bring them over tomorrow for Father’s Day so dad can see them. She said I looked tired and pale, I guess sleeping all day will do that to you.

I’m getting tired again. My pill is kicking in.
