June 13, 2022


Dear Diary,

Lately I just feel like I'm surviving and not living, everything annoys me and nothing cheers me up, I have no motivation and I can't find one.

I am very independent, but most of the time I ask myself, what is wrong with me? I have no one, I only have myself, I have lived life alone for years, why these days do I feel the need to be with someone? Why do I see everyone accompanied except me? I don't know. My only company? Too bad alcohol, damn alcohol, which acts as pleasure at the moment but ends and I return to reality.

I don't feel like anything is worth it, I just want to sleep and sometimes I can't even do that. I'm tired all the time and I don't want to leave my house, and even if I'm accompanied for periods of time, I'm more alone than when I'm really alone. 
