May 30, 2022


Dear Diary,

How can she be so wreckless? We've talked about it several times over the months and she is still doing it and never has reasoning good enough to make it worth jeopardizing our entire relationship. 

I understand the craving to talk to people about it, I myself have been in a relationship where I wasn't allowed to say anything to anybody about us and as hard as it was, I stuck to it because I knew and had experienced the consequences after slipping up about it. Even if she hasn't experienced these consequences herself it doesn't matter because I told her, I said what could happen, and the massive risk she's taking when she unnecessarily tells people about us. 

It was just 2 people which was her closest friends, and as time goes on more and more people keep finding out because both her and her friends are talking about it. I just hope it doesn't take a disaster for her to finally learn her lesson. Her latest tell was to Aria, her ex-bestfriend who haven't exactly been seeing eye to eye for a while. Aria told her about her boyfriend and she uses that as justification to tell her. "well she told me about her bf so I told her about us"... like are you kidding me. 
