May 30, 2022


Dear Diary,

I had to take more meds this morning. I took a little nap as they make me so tired. I am still groggy from it but I think I can pull through it.

Today, my uncle Shane and I are going to decorate graves. His dad and my grandpa on my mom's side will get some flowers. It is suppose to start raining again so I think we are going to leave soon to do that.

I emailed Kemper and thanked him for his service while in the Marines. I don't think he will respond to me but it was still a nice gesture. 

I am glad there is no therapy today. It is exhausting for me. But it will be short lived, I have it twice tomorrow. One family therapy session and an individual session afterwards. I also have to register for classes and take some tests tomorrow. Math and English are the tests I have to take so they know where to put me for classes. 

My caseworker also wants to visit with me tomorrow. I am not sure what about but she wants to have a talk.

I just want to go home and be with my parents. This sucks and is not what I wanted. I came home so I could be with them and try to get my life together. 

I am going to start some laundry and try to do something productive today besides sleep all day.  
