May 08, 2022


Dear Diary, I'm back to gardening. The last time was a few years ago or maybe even five years ago. I don't remember what made me decided to leave it to my SO, but now I'm back and it feels great. In April I was too busy with my creative project and other things and it was mostly chilly outside with some rain. But May began with much warmer temperature, perfect for outside work like gardening and also meeting friends.

I notice some people drop mask completely. After 3 vaccinations most people feel mask is no longer needed and last time I heard it's no longer mandatory except maybe in schools. I still wear mask when shopping or entering any public place with large crowd. It doesn't seem covid will ever go away, it will be like flu - will always be around, people just become more immune to it as time goes by. 

It's also nice to write here again although I can't write as often as I used to. 
