April 27, 2022


Dear Diary,

Hii, today again I have went through the feeling of heartbreak. Last night I found that he is upset some disagreements in the family but in morning I got to know that it was related to me as his family don't want any alliance with my family and so he was upset and ofcourse it made me sad too. All we can do is distance ourselves but this heartbreak was all I was afraid from the start. And cherry on the cake is that that guy with the proposal is getting on my nerves , I am frustrated from the explanation and things is saying to me to convience me. But I am very confused and maybe I don't think it will be a good relation. I am tired of his phone calls. Right now I am not in the state of starting anything new and I don't want Shikhu to go but eventually he has toon. Anyways who knows  what's stored in the future.   I am fine now but I wasn't well in the evening.  Goodnight although I am having a severe headache. knows
