Dear Diary,

My cousin is back in prison for the 3rd time in 3 years smh he was doing so good but he got arrested for his 3rd owi and for alot of other stuff so he is looking at being locked up for awhile, so i just spent an hour looking him up so I can write him because I always write him whenever he goes to prison because I know talking to family is good for him since most of our family doesnt talk to him because most of them are ashamed by him and I understand he has messed up a lot but to me he is still family and im not going to turn my back on him. Because honestly most of my family turned there back on me just because I got pregnant at 17 so to some of my family I am the dissapointed and emabrrasment of the family so I kind of understand how that feels for your family to see you that way but the differnce is for me this was 11 years ago but he in the past 3 years started going back and forth to prison.
