Gossip Girl


Dear Diary,Today I decided to not spend my downtime at work on financial podcast and videos. I choose to crack open my Bible Application and get some practical guidance from the book of James. Through the multiple gems he preached on to the messianic Jews this one caught my eye, gossiping. 

In my previous daily entry I discussed backing away from my sister due to gossiping. Sadly while straying through a judging heart I was committing the same act I disagreed with Gossiping in my diary. 

Speak not evil one of another, brethren. He that speaketh evil of his brother, and judgeth his brother, speaketh evil of the law, and judgeth the law: but if thou judge the law, thou art not a doer of the law, but a judge.           

                       - James 4:11

Fast forwarding to earlier I realize that when I judge my fellow neighbors I am also guilty of judging Gods creation which is his children. Letting that thought marinate makes me feel embarrassed. It’s the audacity to think I can speak poorly about anybody is the mistake that I made.

I’m not perfect so why would I slander her name in disgust while I continue to sin in my own life. 

Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up.

                  James 4:10

O lord, I’m grateful that your Word helps me understand my actions of unrighteousness. I ask for mercy when it comes to my behavior. Holy spirt keep thy word in my heart so I won’t fall into inequality again. Lord aid in my escape to stray from disobeying your law on gossip. 
