December 21, 2021


So it turns out I'm only 5/10 of a match for my sister (C), which is a relief for me, but the real relief is that they told her there are thousands of 10/10 matches in the registry. I'm glad that I was able to avoid the entire situation of being forced to donate marrow to her.

I really really really didn't want to go through the pain of having my marrow extracted. They do apply local anesthetic, but my C said that it still hurt really bad when they did her biopsy. 

I don't know, I guess I'm just selfish and betting on the assumption that if our roles were reversed, she would refuse to donate to me even if our parents pressured her. If I was a perfect match for her, our parents would put pressure on me to do it and I'd have to. Our parents don't hold that power over her. 

Anyway, last week C found out she has some form of trisomy, which means she has an extra or partial duplicate of a chromosome. They know which form, but I don't know the specifics and I don't wanna ask. 

Today she told mama all the stuff she's going to be going through for the next few months. She's got hella doctor's appointments and tests. At some point she's got to get chemotherapy to suppress her immune system enough to receive donated bone marrow. Then, she'll have to have a 24/7 caregiver for 3 months and she won't be able to drive herself. I believe she's going to have to take immunosuppressants and anti-rejection medicine for the rest of her life. 

I can't imagine how she feels. I don't try to think about it too much. From what I used to know of her, I know that she doesn't like people knowing her personal business, so she would be very unhappy if she knew mama was telling me everything that she has. So I try to stay out of it. 

I wonder if she regrets thinking she's better than me and how she's treated me in the past. I doubt it tbh. 

"Family" doesn't really mean much anyway.