December 21, 2021


Dear Diary,Rode the tractor most of the day. Colton had a great time with Carley and her family. I managed to get about 100 acres done. So good day, I wasn’t sure about letting Colton go, but glad I did, He walked out of here smiling, guess until we lost Callie I never thought much about my parenting, but now it is all I think about Callie was a safety net. Who knew I cared what anyone thought? Not sure if it is I think everyone will think I’m too hard on him or I’m too easy on him. My mom says I’m too hard my mother-in-law says to easy. They're most likely why I’m so concision of it now. He wants chicken I’m still not too sure about frying chicken worry about not getting it done, so chicken express it was.

Colton talked about his mom for a while, very general. He did say dad, I remember mom holding my boot and smiling at me in the truck and saying “you will be fine” then I got out and she closed her eyes. I didn’t know what to do. Then he started to talk about everything him and Carey did all day and how much fun he had. I didn’t ask him any questions about his mom, maybe I should have. I’m so lost with this. He is still hung up on her saying you don’t need your boot any more. It’s funny what stuck in his head about that night. When we went to get food The song that was on the radio when they had the accident came on, he turned it off and said dad be careful and tensed up. He was ok in a few minutes. Finished doing the dishes Colton even helped shocking in its self and then said he was going to clean his room and get rid of stuff he doesn’t wear anymore there is no room in his closet not sure what that is about. Then I go back and forth what to do. 
